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关于吊罗山论文范文写作 海南吊罗山自然保护区土壤氮相关论文写作资料

主题:吊罗山论文写作 时间:2024-01-21



吊罗山论文参考文献 自然辩证法结课论文自然指数期刊自然杂志人和自然杂志

摘 要 以海南吊罗山国家级自然保护区4种类型森林为研究对象,分析其氮含量、氮密度、氮分配及其中两种类型森林氮密度随坡向和海拔的分布状况,以期反映吊罗山自然保护区的土壤氮分布特征,为吊罗山森林管理提出建议.结果如下: (1)吊罗山自然保护区土壤氮含量在不同样地间和同一样地不同层次间差异均较大,土壤氮含量空间异质性较大; (2)研究区0~100 cm层土壤整体氮密度为13.8 t/hm2, 高于全国平均和儋州橡胶林土壤氮密度,和霸王岭热带山地雨林相比,吊罗山热带山地雨林原始林氮密度较高,次生林较低; (3)考虑氮密度和氮密度分配,为促进吊罗山森林资源的保护和生态价值的创造,在管理中投入的精力为热带山地雨林原始林>热带山地雨林次生林>热带低地雨林原始林>热带低地雨林次生林;(4)热带山地雨林次生林南坡氮密度最高,为18.491 t/hm2;东坡、北坡、西北坡之间差异不大,但显著低于南坡; (5)热带山地雨林原始林海拔750~1 130 m间氮密度和海拔高度关系符合y等于-6E-05x2+0.107 2x-32.275(R2等于1).

关键词 低地雨林;山地雨林;原始林;次生林;氮含量;坡向;海拔

中图分类号 S714 文献标识码 A

Soil Nitrogen of Diaoluoshan Natural Reserve in Hainan

WANG Shuai1,LI Jialing2,WANG Xu1,3*,ZHANG Xiaolin5,ZHU Meiling1

WANG Wenlei1,LIN Deng1,ZOU Yaojin1,LIANG Qingya1,LONG Wenxing5

1 College of Environment and Plant Protection, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan 570228, China

2 Management Bureau of Hainan Wuzhishan Nature Reserve, Wuzhishan, Hainan572215,China

3 Danzhou Key Field Station of Observation and Research for Tropical Agricultural Resources

and Environments, Ministry of Agriculture, Danzhou, Hainan 571737, China

4 Hainan Shenzhou New Energy Construction & Development Co., Ltd. Haikou, Hainan 571152, China

5 College of Horticulture and Landscapes, Hainan University , Haikou, Hainan 570228, China

Abstract Fifteen plots distributed in primary tropical lowland rainforest, secondary tropical lowland rainforest,primary tropical Montana rainforest, secondary tropical Montana rainforest of Diaoluoshan National Nature Reserve (NNR)in Hainan were studied. The nitrogen concentration, nitrogen density and the allocation of the nitrogen of the soils were analyzed. The results were as follows: (1) The soil nitrogen concentration of the tropical lowland rainforest and tropical Montana rain forest varied greatly and soil nitrogen concentration had higher spatial heterogeneity; (2) The nitrogen density of 0-100cm soil layer was 13.8 t/hm2 in all studied areas, higher than the national average(13.1 t/hm2)and and that of rubber forests in Dan Zhou. Compared with Bawangling, NNR in the primary tropical Montana rainforests was higher, while that for the secondary tropical Montana rainforests was lower. (3) Based on the nitrogen density and the distribution of nitrogen density, to protect the region and make more ecological benefits, funds should be mainly invested in the primary tropical Montana rainforests, then the secondary tropical Montana rainforests, primary tropical lowland rainforests and secondary tropical lowland rainforests. (4)The nitrogen density for the south side of the secondary tropical lowland rainforests was 18.491 t/hm2, much more than that of other sides. (5)The nitrogen density had a relationship when altitude was 750 m to 1 130 m. The relationship could be described as: y等于-6E-05x2+0.107 2x-32.275(R2等于1).


摘 要:湿地是地球上非常重要的生态系统之一,它对于地球的生态环境、生态平衡以及人类的生存和发展有着极其重要的意义。二十世纪以来,我国提出要建设生。

摘 要:根据世界自然基金会(WWF)调查显示,由于人类活动对环境的影响,自20世纪70年代至今,全世界野生动植物数量减少了63%,加强对野生动植。

摘 要:当前,我国已经初步形成了较为完善的自然保护区,并且就全国自然保护区的设置来看,具有类型齐全、布局合理等诸多优势。自然保护区的设置为保持生。

