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关于神经外科论文范文写作 分析循证护理在神经外科疾病患者中护理效果相关论文写作资料

主题:神经外科论文写作 时间:2024-04-06



神经外科论文参考文献 循证护理论文神经外科护理论文中华神经外科疾病杂志循证护理杂志

[摘 要] 目的 探究循证护理对神经外科患者的护理效果,进一步完善该院对神经外科患者的护理对策. 方法 整群选取该院2016年7月―2017年3月所收治的226例神经外科患者的临床治疗资料,采用随机分组的方式将全部患者分为对照组A(常规护理对策)和对照组B(循证护理对策),每组各有患者113例,对比两组患者的护理效果. 结果 对比两组患者的干预效果,以及并发症的发生情况,对照组A中患者的干预效果为65.49%,对照组B中患者的干预效果为91.15%,对照组B优于对照组A,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,χ2=6.283).对照组A中出现神经损伤者7例,占比6.19%;出现脊髓损伤者6例,占比5.31%;出现被褥疮者7例,占比6.19%,并发症发生率为17.70%.对照组B中有2例出现神经损伤,占总数的1.77%,有1例出现脊髓损伤,占总数的0.88%;有1例出现被褥疮,占总数的0.88%,并发症发生率为3.54%,對照组B优于对照组A,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,χ2=5.114). 结论 循证护理对策能够效果提升对神经外科患者的护理质量,提升治疗效果、降低并发症、改善患者护理满意度,给患者提升更好的临床护理体验,应于临床推广使用.

[关键词] 循证护理;神经外科;护理效果;临床研究;并发症

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)11(c)-0156-03

[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to explore the effect of evidence-based nursing care on patients of neurosurgery department, and to further improve the nursing countermeasures of patients in department of neurosurgery. Methods The clinical data of 226 cases from department of neurosurgery in this hospital from July 2016 to March 2017 were group selected and divided into control group A (conventional nursing) and control group B (evidence-based nursing countermeasures) by random grouping method, with 113 patients in each group, the nursing effects between the two groups of patients were compared. Results Intervention effect and complications of patients in two groups were compared. The intervention effect of patients in the control group A was 65.49%, the intervention effect was 91.15% in control group B, better than that of control group A,(χ2等于6.283,P<0.05), with statistical difference. In the control group A, there were 7 nerve injury patients, accounting for 6.19%. Six people with spinal cord injuries accounted for 5.31%. 7 patients had pressure ulcer, accounting for 6.19%. The incidence rate of complication was 17.70 %. In the control group B, there were 2 patients with nerve injury, accounting for 1.77%, and 1 had a spinal cord injury, accounting for 0.88%. 1 had pressure ulcer, accounting for 0.88%. The incidence rate of complications was 3.54%, better than the control group A(χ2=5.114,P<0.05), with statistical difference. Conclusion The evidence-based nursing measures can promote the effect of nursing quality of patients, improve the therapeutic effect, reduce the complications, improve nursing satisfaction of patients, and improve patient clinical nursing experience, which should be applied in clinical practice.

[Key words] Evidence-based nursing; Department of Neurosurgery; Nursing effect; Clinical study; Complication


[摘要] 目的 分析神经外科患者实施临床综合性护理管理的意义。方法 将2016年3月—2017年3月78例神经外科患者作为研究对象并根据随机数字。

[摘要] 目的 系统评价循证护理干预应用于手术室护理中的效果。方法 计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、维普期刊网、万方数据资源系统等数据。

[摘要] 目的 探究人性化管理模式在神经外科护理管理中的应用效果,为临床提供参考。方法 选择2016年3月—2017年3月期间在该院神经外科的1。

[摘要] 目的 为了深入研究神经外科护理管理中护理安全的应用效果。方法 选取2016年4月—2017年4月在该院神经外科接受住院治疗的患者450。
