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关于音乐疗法论文范文写作 音乐疗法在体检中心抽血检查中应用相关论文写作资料

主题:音乐疗法论文写作 时间:2024-01-27



音乐疗法论文参考文献 音乐论文网北方音乐期刊音乐刊物音乐期刊

[摘 要] 目的 探讨音乐疗法在体检中心抽血检查中应用的效果.方法 便利选取该院2016年2月—2017年2月体检中心抽血检查的300名体检者,随机分为两组,各150名.对照组按照常规方式进行抽血检查,实验组播放音乐对抽血检查进行干预,比较两组体检者一次穿刺成功率、抽血平均时长以及体检者满意度之间的差异.结果 实验组患者的一次穿刺成功率为95.3%,对照组一次穿刺成功率为90.7%,实验组明显优于对照组;实验组患者满意度达到90.0%,对照组满意为80.7%,实验组患者满意度优于对照组;实验组抽血平均时长为(3.91±0.12)s,对照组为(4.13±0.09)s,实验组抽血平均时长明显比对照组短,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 在体检中心抽血检查时采用音乐疗法,能够有效地提高一次穿刺成功率和体检者满意度,缩短抽血的时间,具有临床推广的意义.

[关键词] 音乐疗法;抽血检查;应用

[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)07(a)-0010-03

Study on Application of Music Therapy in the Blood Sampling Examination in the Physical Examination Center

CHEN Li-fen, JIANG Liu-hua, YU Chao-fan

Physical Examination Center, PLA 95th Hospital, Putian, Fujian Province, 351100 China

[Abstract] Objective To study the application effect of music therapy in the blood sampling examination in the physical examination center. Methods Convenient selection 300 cases of physical examination people in our hospital from February 2016 to February 2017 were selected and randomly divided into two groups with 150 cases, the control group adopted the blood sampling examination according to the routine method, the observation group adopted the music therapy, and the differences in the success rate of puncture one time, average time of blood sampling and satisfactory degree were compared between the two groups. Results The success rate of puncture one time in the experimental group was obviously better than that in the control group(95.3% vs 90.7%), and the satisfactory degree in the experimental group was better than that in the control group(90.0% vs 80.7%), and the average blood sampling time in the experimental group was obviously shorter than that in the control group[(3.91±0.12)s vs (4.13±0.09)s], and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The music therapy in the blood sampling examination in the physical examination center can effectively improve the success rate of puncture one time and satisfactory degree of people and shorten the blood sampling time, and it is of clinical promotion significance.

[Key words] Music therapy; Blood sampling examination; Application


1 资料和方法


摘 要:音乐疗法是中学心理健康教育中应用得较多的一种心理治疗方法。音乐疗法认为,情绪决定认知,情绪改变了,对事物的看法和对环境的感受就截然不同。。

[摘要] 目的 为了改善体检中心护理管理质量,分析和探讨实施PDCA循环法的价值和意义。方法 根据随机原则的相关要求从2016年1—7月该院体检。

[摘要] 目的 探讨分析疾控体检中心对体检人员健康体检结果,为制定相应防护措施提供科学依据。方法 该文旨在通过对疾控体检中心对体检人员健康体检结。

[摘要] 目的 探讨健康体检路径对体检中心护理质量及患者满意度的影响。方法 2015年6—12月,选择在该院健康体检者200名,随机分为观察组和。
