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关于全身麻醉论文范文写作 两种不同体位在骨膝关节患者全身麻醉术后护理效果的分析相关论文写作资料

主题:全身麻醉论文写作 时间:2024-03-23



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[摘 要] 目的 探討全身麻醉下骨膝关节患者术后回病房6 h内,两种不同体位对患者舒适度的影响.方法 整群选择2016年6—12月住院在全身麻醉下行骨膝关节关节镜清理术后生命体征平稳的患者132例,随机分为对照组和观察组,每组66例,观察组采用术后回病房即头颈下垫平枕,并给予抬高床头10~20°,膝关节平枕垫高20~30°,腘窝处悬空,保持膝关节伸直功能位;对照组采用术后传统去枕平卧位,头偏向一侧.两组均6 h后翻身.监测两组患者恶心呕吐、头痛头晕、颈肩腰背部疼痛、下肢肿胀麻木及酸软不适感发生率,并进行比较.结果 两组患者生命体征均平稳,对照组与观察组恶心呕吐、头痛头晕发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),观察组颈肩疼痛发生率15.15%(10/66)、腰背部疼痛发生率24.24%(16/66)和下肢肿胀麻木及酸软不适感发生率27.27%(18/66)均明显低于对照组,经比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 骨膝关节患者全身麻醉术后在生命体征平稳的前提下,回病房6 h内采用头颈下垫平枕,并抬高床头10~20°,膝关节平枕垫高20~30°,腘窝处悬空,保持膝关节伸直功能位,可减轻颈肩、腰背肌的疼痛,减轻肢体的肿胀麻木及酸软不适感,增加患者的舒适度,促进患者早日康复.

[关键词] 全身麻醉;不同体位;骨膝关节;护理效果

[中图分类号] R5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)07(b)-0138-03

Analysis of Nursing Effect of Two Different Positions in the Patients with Bone Knee Joint after the General Anesthesia Surgery

HUANG Ling, BAI Yan, MENG Yuan-yuan

Department of Orthopedics, North Branch of Kunming General Hospital of Chengdu Military Area Command, Kunming, Yunnan Province, 650223 China

[Abstract] Objective To study the effect of two different positions on the comfort degree of patients with bone knee joint in 6h after the general anesthesia surgery. Methods 132 cases of patients with steady vital signs after the arthroscopic debridement surgery under the general anesthesia from June to December 2016 were group selected and randomly divided into two groups with 66 cases in each, in the observation group, the flat pillow was padded under the head and neck after surgery, the bed head was raised by 10~20 degrees, and the flat pillow of knee joint was raised by 20~30 degrees, and the popliteal space floated, and the functional position of knee joint was kept to straighten, in the control group, the traditional method of supine to the pillow was used and the head was turned to side, and both groups turned over in bed after 6h, and the incidence rates of vomiting and nausea, headache and dizziness, shoulder-neck back and waist pains, lower limb swelling and aching and limp discomfortableness of the two groups were monitored and compared. Results The vital signs of the two groups were steady, and the differences in the incidence rates of nausea and vomiting and headache between the two groups were not statistically significant(P>0.05), and the incidence rates of shoulder-neck back and waist pains, lower limb swelling and aching and limp discomfortableness in the observation group were obviously lower than those in the control group, which were respectively 15.15%(10/66), 24.24%(16/66)and 27.27%(18/66) in the observation group, and the differences between the two groups were obvious with statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The putting the flat pillow under the head and neck in 6h after the patients are back to ward and raising the bed head by 10~20 degrees, raising the flat pillow of knee joint by 20~30 degrees under the premise of steady vital signs of bone knee joint patients after the general anesthesia surgery can relieve the shoulder-neck back and waist pains, relieve the swelling of limbs and aching and limp discomfortableness, enhance the comfort degree of patients and promote the early recovery of patients.


[摘要] 目的 探究疼痛管理模式在跟骨骨折患者术后疼痛中的应用效果。方法 选取2013年10月—2016年10月期间于该院就诊及接受手术治疗的6。

[摘要] 目的 对骨科患者健康教育中互动护理模式的应用效果进行分析。方法 选取医院2015年4月—2016年4月收治的骨科患者106例,按照健康。

[摘要] 目的 分析研究社区网格化管理对高血压患者护理效果的影响。方法 该次研究时间从2014年2月—2017年3月,研究对象为该社区中30例高。

[摘要] 目的 探究风险管理用于骨科术后患者压疮防范中的效果。方法 选取该院行骨科手术的106例患者作为该次实验的研究对象,并随机分为比较组和实。
