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关于川西北论文范文写作 川西北丘陵坡耕地苜蓿玉米间作田土壤水分和作物产量规律相关论文写作资料

主题:川西北论文写作 时间:2024-01-27



川西北论文参考文献 作物杂志北核期刊目录

摘 要 通過比较玉米单作、苜蓿单作和苜蓿玉米间作3种种植模式的田间土壤水分含量和地表径流量,产量和产值等,明确了苜蓿玉米间作在四川丘陵坡耕地的土壤水分变迁规律.结果表明:(1)在降水较多的7月,苜蓿玉米间作田的土壤含水量在0~20 cm,40~60 cm和80~100 cm土层分别为19.5%~216%,18.2%~20.3%和16.3%~18.5%;在降水较少的12月,其土壤含水量分别为19.5%~21.7%,18.2%~20.1%和17.1%~18.5%. (2)丘陵坡耕地苜蓿玉米间作田的土壤有效含水量在6~9月较高,在11月~翌年3月较低;在6~9月大于玉米单作田,小于苜蓿单作田;在11月~翌年3月则低于玉米单作田,高于苜蓿单作田.(3)2012~2014年,苜蓿玉米间作田的地表平均径流量为15 471 m3/km2;比苜蓿单作田增加56.1%,比玉米单作田减少29.1%.(4)苜蓿玉米间作田的苜蓿干草产量为18 073~22 164 kg/hm2,玉米籽粒产量为3 864~4 176 kg/hm2,玉米秸秆产量为4 830~5 890 kg/hm2,其产值为49 900~50 100元/hm2,略低于苜蓿单作田,显著高于玉米单作田.从土壤水分变迁和地表径流等角度综合考虑,在四川丘陵坡耕地推行苜蓿玉米间作具有较强的可行性,但在推行过程中需注意选取耐高温、耐高湿的苜蓿品种,并注意苜蓿生长期间的病害防治.

关键词 土壤水分;地表径流;产量;苜蓿玉米间作

中图分类号 S5419文献标识码 A文章编号 10002537(2016)06000906

Research on Soil Water and Crop Yield of AlfalfaMaize Intercropping

System at Slope Land in the Hilly Regions of Sichuan Province

WANG Xuechun1a*, WANG Hongni1b, LI Wei2, BI Sheng1a

(1.a.School of Life Science and Technology, b.College of Adult and Online Education,

Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China;

2.Central Laboratory, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Science, Fuzhou 35003, China)

Abstract The law of soil water changing in alfalfamaize intercropping system(AM) cropping system was clarified by the comparison of soil water content, surface runoff amount, yield and economic benefit among mono maize cropping system (ME), mono alfalfa cropping system (AL) and alfalfamaize intercropping system(AM).Results showed that the precipitation of July was larger than other months, soil water content of AM was 195%~216%,18.2%~20.3%and 16.3%~18.5%, respectively, at 0~20 cm, 40~60 cm and 80~100 cm soil layers; while the rainfall of September was less than other months, soil water content in the same soil layers was 195%~21.7%, 18.2%~20.1% and 17.1%~18.5% respectively. Available soil water of AM was higher between June and September, while it was less from November to next March. The available soil water of AM was higher than that of ME and was less than that of AL during June to September; while it was less than ME and higher than AL among November and next March. Mean runoff amount of AM was 15 471 m3/km2, which is increased by 561% than that of AL and is decreased by 29.1% than that of ME, from 2012 to 2014. Alfalfa yield of AM was 18 073~22 164 kg/hm2,with the maize yield of 3 864~4 176 kg/hm2 and the maize straw of 4 830~5 890 kg/hm2 from 2012 to 2014. The total economic income of AM was 49 900~50 100 Yuan/hm2, which was significantly less than AL and higher than ME. Taking soil water changing, runoff amount and economic into account, we concluded that there was a stronger feasibility to practice the alfalfamaize intercropping system at the slope land in the hilly regions of Sichuan Province. However the alfalfa used in alfalfamaize cropping system should have a higher capacity to tolerate high temperature and ruminated environment. The farmer should also pay more attention to prevent and control alfalfa disease during the growth of alfalfa in summer.




摘 要:介绍镇沅县田坝乡2014年实施烟后玉米高产创建的完场情况、成效和具体措施,并对烟后玉米高产创建取得的经验进行阐述,以及为镇沅县烟后玉米生。

摘 要:随着改革開放以来,推进了我国城市化进程的加快,这就导致了我国的耕地面积不断的缩小,所以,我国目前面临的问题就是怎样利用有限的耕地面积确保。