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关于微分方程论文范文写作 一类Caputo分数阶微分方程正解存在性相关论文写作资料

主题:微分方程论文写作 时间:2024-02-27



微分方程论文参考文献 一类期刊局解手术学杂志临床医药文献杂志是正刊吗性论文范文

摘 要:为了研究一类带p-Laplacian 算子的Caputo分数阶微分方程边值问题正解的存在性,通过计算得到该问题的格林函数,并讨论其性质.运用单调迭代方法,得到该边值问题至少存在2个正解,最后通过实例验证了此类方程边值问题正解的存在性.


中图分类号:O175.1 MSC(2010)主题分类:34B15 文献标志码:A

Abstract: In order to investigate the existence of positive solutions to a class of Caputo fractional differential equation boundary value problems with p-Laplacian operator, the Green’s function is obtained by calculus, and its properties are discussed. By using monotone iterative technique, at least two positive solutions are obtained for the boundary value problems. An example is given to illustrate the existence of positive solutions to this kind of equation boundary value problems.

Keywords:ordinary differential equation; Caputo fractional derivative;positive solution;monotone iteratiation;boundary value problems


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摘 要:利用Legget-Williams定理及不等式技巧,研究了一类积分边值条件的微分方程正解的存在性,得到其存在三解的充分条件,丰富了以往文。

摘要:讨论了二阶常微分方程Drichlet边值问题-u (t)=λf(u(t)),00,f∈C2(-r,r),f ≥0,f(0)0。证得当非线。

摘 要:常微分方程有很多种,而且在初等数学中我们就已经学过。像对数方程、指数方程、三角方程、二次方程等都属于常微分方程的行列。比如我们初高中时就。

