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关于6MagicTricksofMicro论文范文写作 6MagicTricksofMicro—nanoManufactureTechnology相关论文写作资料

主题:6MagicTricksofMicro论文写作 时间:2024-01-31




Written by Ma Jiang

The world is marching into Micro-nano era. With micro-nano manufacture technology, elements can be made from complex and massive scale into micro-nano one while maintaining its original function. Micro-nano manufacture is becoming an reality nowadays, techniques and materials of which has always been the cornerstone of the construction of buildings of nanotechnology. Let’s feel 6 “Magic Tricks” of it now!

Mechanical micro-machining

Among micro-nano manufacture, mechanical micro-machining is the most convenient micro-molding technique which is the closest to traditional materials processing methods. It generally includes turning, drilling, grinding, etc. To improve the accuracy and degree of automation, modern mechanical micro machining is usually equipped with a computer control system such as computer-numerical-control (CNC), and through the diamond tool making microstructure of high quality on the surface of various materials.

Mechanical micro-machining process method is simple and the process is easy, but selective to the process materials, often using in materials like copper alloy, nickel alloy, etc. Most commonly used metal materials like steel can not be made through mechanical micro-machining methods, because the carbon in the steel will react with the diamond tools.

Additionally, the minimum size of the micro-mechanical structures made by micro-machining method is very limited, only about 200 microns, which limits this method in application areas of devices of smaller micro structure.

Laser micromachining

Laser technology is known as one of the four important inventions of the 20th century. With small electronics and microelectronics components surging in demand, laser micromachining field of laser development has become one of the fastest in industrial applications.

With high energy density, good direction, adjustable spot size, laser processing uses these features to change its light energy into heat in order to erosion materials. The range of its target materials is very wide, covering almost all of the metal and non-metallic materials. Comparing to mechanical micro-machining, it is a non-contact process, where there is no tool wear or tear and no obvious mechanical force, hence it will not generate the machining distortion.

Currently laser micromachining technology is still in its infancy. With the development of laser technology (such as improved light source, energy density, etc.), in the future, this "artifact" will surely flex its muscles in the micro-nano manufacturing.

