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关于文化交流力量论文范文写作 文化交流力量相关论文写作资料

主题:文化交流力量论文写作 时间:2024-03-23



文化交流力量论文参考文献 跨文化交流论文选择的力量论文企业文化的论文企业文化期刊

I lived in the Round Square1 House during its first year as a Chinese and the only international student whose first language is not English. Since one of the six ideals of the house is internationalism, I felt a deep sense of responsibility to represent the hearts and minds of one billion Chinese people and five thousand years of Chinese history.

One night during tea we somehow started a conversation about favorite childhood TV shows. Just as it was always the case in conversations like this, I sat quietly in the corner of the room and listened, trying hard to understand what’s going on but did not have a clue. Perhaps because I was quieter than usual that night, Gemma noticed my awkward silence, and made the group to pay its attention.

“Let’s hear what Charlotte wants to say. It looks like she has something to share.”

“Well,” I said, “I think it is kind of difficult for me to be part of the conversation because I watched Chinese animation2 and TV shows when I was little. It is not because that I don’t want to speak—it is just that Chinese culture is very different from American culture.”

The group went silent for a while.

“Well, that makes sense.” A girl finally broke the silence, “But you should not lock yourself up. If you want us to learn and understand your culture, you should speak up more and share it with us.”

She was right. I was too quiet and shy to be a helpful messenger3 of my culture. However, even though I agreed with her suggestion, I also wanted to reject it simultaneously4. It was really a strange frustration and bafflement5 that I could neither understand nor explain at that time.

What exactly is my culture? I asked myself.

The first answer that came to my mind was a picture of the Great Wall. Then I thought about the Tiananmen Square—the Chinese equivalent of the National Mall6—and the Chinese National Flag. All of these are symbols that visually represent Chinese culture, but here’s the thing: They are relevant to me, but they are not so to someone who is unfamiliar with China. In order to engage my audience, I need something more tangible and interesting, something that could create empathy regardless of cultural differences.7 That object, as I came to realize much later, is, in fact, my life.

Answering the same question, “What exactly is my culture?” through the lens8 of my life, I came up with some better answers. My culture can mean sitting by a round table and sharing 15 dishes with family members. It can be the voice of the anchor of the national evening news broadcast or my Red Tie that I proudly wore as a member of the Young Pioneers.9 It can be the mixed smell of cigarette, sweat, green onions and cup noodles in a crowded train station before and after Chinese New Year when millions of people hopped on trains to head back homes. It can be a beautiful poem written in ancient Chinese from 2,000 years ago that I recite again and again even to this day.



摘 要:文化是一个集思想、知识、宗教信仰、道德与艺术等各个方面为一体的复杂而广泛的概念。英国的人类文化学家爱得华泰勒最早在《原始文化》的著作中提。

留美幼童 近代中国 中西文化交流留美幼童政策的历史背景以西方传教士利玛窦等到中国传教为标志的明清之际的中西文化交流,使西方传教士不仅通过传教。

