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关于CulturalSkillsthroughDrama论文范文写作 TeachingLanguageandCross—CulturalSkillsthroughDrama相关论文写作资料

主题:CulturalSkillsthroughDrama论文写作 时间:2024-02-25




【Abstracts】This article argues that drama is an under-exploited resource in the foreign language classroom for promoting intercultural competence and developing an awareness of the interpersonal dimension embedded in the language we use. Drama also offers ample opportunities to explore subtle difference of the foreign culture as well as conflict situations and emotions which are seldom encountered in textbook dialogues and material, thus opening up to the students a world which is often denied to them in the foreign language classrooms.

【Key words】language; cross-cultural skills; drama; intercultural competence

1. Introduction

What role that literary texts can play in the foreign language classroom? How can learner’s linguistic awareness can be enhanced by the use of literary texts. Boria has the best answer that drama still offers the best literary source to present students with models of conversational interactions and discourse patterns. Dramatic dialogue can provide an excellent synthesis of some of the strategies that are used by speakers and listeners in conversations. Drama is largely absent in FL textbooks. Such neglect of drama is lamentable because it presents opportunities to explore with the students how identity and social relationships are negotiated, while encouraging self-reflection on their own cultural expectations. In a nutshell, drama can be approached ethnographically to develop students’ intercultural sensitivity and competence. Given the relative lack of focus on cross-cultural skills in mainstream textbooks and the present invisibility of drama, this article aims to stimulate and interest in the use of drama in the foreign language classroom by providing 1)a review of the ways in which drama has been introduced into the language classroom, 2) a discussion of the advantages of approaching drama through ethnography and 3)some suggestions for classroom activities which can contribute to the development of intercultural competence.

2. Drama in the Language Classroom

A brief review of the literature in FL teaching shows that drama has been introduced into the language classroom in at least six ways, which often share aims and methodologies.

2.1 It can be set up as a class project in which a play is produced in the target language, This is a major student/teacher project requiring commitment and participation.

2.2 Drama techniques can be adapted to foreign language learning to create short physical and linguistic activities which are beneficial to the atmosphere of the classroom, aim to make language come alive, and shift the focus from the language to the act of ‘doing’ something with the body. This approach is claimed to encourage the use of the foreign language in a more spontaneous and unpredictable manner than in the guided dialogues often used. It is said that the emphasis on ‘doing together’ helps to create a climate of trust and common endeavour.

