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关于OpticalMagicofNature论文范文写作 OpticalMagicofNature相关论文写作资料

主题:OpticalMagicofNature论文写作 时间:2024-01-31




There is an "Eye of Desert" in the most desolate dead silence place with the diameter of 48km, emerald green, like a giant deep eye staring at the sky... Like a magician, mystical nature uses colorful light to perform optical magic one by one and show us the colorful world.

Blue Sky · White Clouds · Sunset Scattering of Light

Blue sky with white clouds always brings us good mood. Why the sky appears blue, while the clouds appear white? In fact, the nature utilizes the principle of light scattering to realize the changes in color.

Sunlight is broad-spectrum, and includes infrared light, visible light, and ultriolet light. Visible lights include lights of different colors, such as red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple lights whose welengths decrease in turn with 580nm yellow light as the center welength. These lights of different colors get together, and produce white vision in our eyes, so the essential color of the sunlight is white.

Dust, atmospheric molecules and other particles in the atmosphere with the dimension less than the welength of light will scatter the light passing through them, such scattering is characterized by the shorter the welength of light being, the greater the scattering effect being, so bluish light has strong scattering effect, while reddish light has weak scattering effect. This is why the sky is blue. Clouds in the sky are composed of water droplets in the atmosphere; the dimension of these water droplets is larger than the welength of visible light. When light wes of various welengths go through water droplets, there is scattering of almost the same intensity. Therefore, the clouds are white for human eyes. Early in the morning or in the evening, the sun looks like a red ball of fire because at the moment the sunlight is almost parallel to the ground plane. The scattering effect is most significant if the atmosphere going through is the thickest. Almost all shortwes in sunlight side-scatter, only red light of longer welength comes to the ground, so we can see fiery-red sunrise and sunset. Should there is no atmosphere scattering, we will see the same sky in the day as that at night, and stars twinkling on a black background, while the only difference is that the very bright sun sparkling on the black background. Such is the scenery we can see on the moon.

You must he heard the story that an expedition is lost in a desert. Suddenly, a water source appears ahead, and reflection of sand dune is rippling in water. The expedition are ecstatic, and run to see as if they are clutching at straws, but what makes them disappointed is that there is nothing. In fact, this is a magic of "mirage" performed by the nature. Temperature in desert is high, and the air temperature is getting higher, the density is getting aller, and the refractive index is getting lower if it is closer to the desert surface so that the air layer with gradient refractive index is formed. If light from distant sand dune irradiating to ground is refracted when it enters hot air layer of aller refractive index, the incident angle increases gradually, the route curves gently, and finally total reflection appears when the incident angle increases to the critical angle, the phenomenon is equivalent to specular reflection effect. People will see the reflection of distant sand dune as if distant sand dune is reflected from the surface of the water when looking against the reflected light. While the incident angle for the light shining from nearby sand dune to the ground is all, therefore, total reflection conditions cannot be met, the light will be absorbed by the desert, thus, the reflection of sand dune cannot be seen, and the illusion that there is water will disappear once approached. The explorers are fooled by the nature in this way.

