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主题:优雅论文写作 时间:2024-03-31




Elegant French Residence


2014年,安珀家族第四代继承人Céline albar和丈夫Jean-Bernard Falco执掌的巴黎酒店集团买下这栋3130平米的物业,力邀曾翻新巴黎丽兹酒店的法国Atelier COS建筑事务所负责改建,由法国知名设计师Alexandre Danan操刀室内设计,在尊重原建筑奥斯曼式外观和神韵的基础上,耗时21个月打造出这家包含60间豪华客、套房的五星级酒店.

通过简洁明快的线条,Art Deco风格的写作家具,和精挑细选出的天鹅绒、皮革、原木、大理石、黄铜等体现法式优雅的材质,酒店的所有房型皆展现出现代气息十足的雅致风格.客房的配色以亮色为主,和黄铜的灯具搭配出时尚的氛围,落地大窗的广泛运用使室内空间和采光得到充分释放,精心布置的格局以创造通畅的流动性为主旨,使客人获得舒适自在的居住体验.科技仍然是客房的重头戏,电视、温度、照明和*都可随心所欲地通过床头柜上的一台IPad控制.

最特别的房间要数酒店顶层的1923客房.这间客房以Céline albar女士的祖母Odette出生的年份命名,可以欣赏到180度巴黎屋顶全景的绝佳景观,从塞纳河上的新桥到圣厄斯塔什教堂的彩色玻璃窗都能尽收眼底.大床正上方设置的木框玻璃天窗创意十足,夜里仰望星空而眠的体验为这间房型大为增色.

Situated at 23-25 rue du Pont neuf, Maison Albar Hotel Paris Céline is neighbor with Louvre and Cite Island, enjoying the cultural feature and vibrant scene of the old downtown center. The hotel building was built in 1866 originally, the former headquarters of French fashion brand Céline.

In 2014, the fourth generation of Paris Inn Group, Céline Albar and husband Jean-Bernard Falco bought this 3130 sqm building, and they invited Atelier COS architecture firm for the renovation, and Alexandre Danan for the interior design. With full respect for the original outlook and spirit of the Osman style, they have created this five-star hotel with 60 luxurious guestrooms and suites in 21 months

The elegant and the modern style of all the rooms in the hotel can be seen through their brisk lines, art deco custom-made furniture and select the vet, leather, wood, marble, brass and materials that embodied French elegance. The rooms are bright, installed with brass lighting, French windows, all aimed to create the maximum mobility in a room, so the guest can enjoy comfortable living experience. Technology remains the priority of the guestrooms, TV, temperature, lighting and customer service can be controlled by an iPad by the bedside table.

The most unique room in the hotel, the 1923 Suite, is named after the birth year of grandmother of Céline Albar, Mrs. Odette. One can appreciate the degree 180 of angle panoramic view of the Paris cityscape, from Pont neuf to Saint Eustache church. The wooden framed glass ceiling window right above the bed is the most creative feature, the experience of sleeping with the stars above your head is definitely a big plus to this room type.



