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关于跟踪论文范文写作 跟踪导练(五)(3)相关论文写作资料

主题:跟踪论文写作 时间:2024-03-08



跟踪论文参考文献 软件导刊经济导刊杂志社五年级数学获奖小论文新课程导学期刊


In the most comprehensive study carried out into the nutritional content of organic food(有机食品)compared to ordinary food, scientists found no large difference in vitamins and minerals.

A separate study has found there are no extra health benefits by eating organic food rather than food grown on ordinary farms.

The study is likely to come as a blow to the billion-pound industry which is already struggling in the economic downturn as shoppers turn away from more expensive goods.

But advocates argue that the produce is better for people, with some saying it can help improve skin conditions and even cure cancers. However, earlier studies he proved confusing, with some stating that organic food provides more vitamins, while others finding no difference from ordinary food.

The new research looked for the first time at the best evidence over the last 50 years. After looking at 160 studies on the nutritional content of organic and non-organic food, it came to the conclusion that there was no large difference in the vitamins and minerals that are important to human health. Further research on more than 50 studies on the health effects found no good evidence that organic food is better for people than the non-organic.

Dr Alan Dangour, who carried out the studies, said the report was the most comprehensive review of the health benefits of organic food ever carried out. “Our review suggests that now there is no evidence to support the choice of organic food over ordinary food on the basis of nutritional advantages,” he said.

Gill Fine, director of Consumer Choice and Dietary Health, said there was no need for people to buy highly-priced organic food for health benefits.

He added, “The study does not mean that people should not eat organic food. What it shows is that there is little, if any, nutritional difference between organic and ordinary food and that there is no evidence of extra health benefits from eating organic food.”

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The choice of organic food.

B. The nutrients of ordinary food.

C. A study on benefits of organic food.

D. The advantages of eating organic food.

2. Paragraph 3 suggests that organic food means ___ .

A. pouring oil on the fire

B. losing what has been gained

C. striking while the iron is hot

D. breaking through at a weak point

3. The underlined word “advocates” in Paragraph 4 refers to those who ___ .



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