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关于煤粉论文范文写作 煤粉压力燃烧特性动力学分析相关论文写作资料

主题:煤粉论文写作 时间:2024-02-29



煤粉论文参考文献 压力管理论文关于压力的论文大学生压力论文

摘 要:利用加压热重分析天平,采用非等温燃烧方法对国内某钢铁厂高炉典型喷吹煤粉的燃烧特性及反应动力学参数进行了实验研究.研究了在0.1,1.1,2.1,3.1,4.1 MPa压力等级下试样煤粉的着火温度、最大燃烧速率温度、燃尽温度、综合燃烧特性指数(S)、最大燃烧速率等燃烧特征参数,计算了煤粉燃烧过程的活化能(E)和指前因子(A).结果表明,北区煤粉在压力等级由01 MPa升至4.1 MPa的燃烧过程中,着火点温度最多下降了85.7 K,失重峰值温度最多提前了249.3 K,燃尽温度最多下降了375 K,最大燃烧速率最多提升了10倍,燃烧特性指数最大为常压下的33.6倍;两段热解活化能和指前因子的对数值之间存在动力学补偿效应;煤粉的反应控制条件及燃烧方式转变的临界压力为3.1 MPa.



ZUO Qiwei,CANG Daqiang,ZHAO Jun,et al.Combustion characteristics and kinetic analysis of pulverized coal under different pressure grades[J].Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology,2016,37(1):88-95.Combustion characteristics and kinetic analysis of pulverized

coal under different pressure grades

ZUO Qiwei1,2, CANG Daqiang1,2, ZHAO Jun3,YANG Jingbo1,3, AN Xia3

(1.School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science &Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, Beijing 100083, China; 3.Technology Center, Tangshan Iron and Steel Company Limited, Tangshan, Hebei 063016, China)

Abstract:By using thermo gravimetric balance, experimental research on combustion characteristics and dynamics parameters of the typical coal injection from some domestic steelworks are conducted with non-isothermal method. The combustion characteristic parameters of the sample pulverized coal such as ignition temperature, peak temperature at maximum weight loss rate, burnout temperature, general burn exponent(S), and maximum combustion rate are studied under pressure grades of 0.1, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1 MPa, the activation energy (E) and pre-exponential factor in the combustion process are calculated. The results show that when the pressure increases from 0.1 to 4.1 MPa, ignition temperature decreases by 85.7 K at most, peak temperature at maximum weight loss rate decreases by 249.3 K at most, burnout temperature decreases by 375 K at most, maximum weight loss rate increases by 10 times, and S increases by 33.6 times at most. It is also shown that there exists a kinetic complementation between E and ln A from the view point of dynamics, and the critical pressure of pulverized coal reaction control requirement and combustion mode transform is 3.1 MPa for the pulverized coal.

Keywords:iron making; pulverized coal; pressure thermo gravimetric analysis; combustion; kinetics parameters; critical pressure

煤粉在直吹管内被热风加速到100~200 m/s,在高炉的回旋区内停留的时间只有十几个毫秒.因此,限制煤粉喷吹量提升的重要因素之一是煤粉在风口前的燃烧速率太低[1-3],大量未燃的煤粉随气流进入到高炉渣中,导致煤粉利用率降低,煤焦置换比减小,引起炉况不顺,制约高炉的正常生产[4-5].压力燃烧可以提高煤粉在高炉回旋区的燃烧速率,是改良煤粉燃烧状况的重要途径.


摘 要:锚固系统宏观上是由岩土体、黏结材料和锚杆杆体三种介质组成。锚杆和岩土体之间通过它们之间的接触界面完成相互作用。通过开展室内剪切蠕变试验,。

摘 要:本文对镁合金蜂窝夹层板的平压力学性能进行仿真模拟,对模拟结果分析处理,总结蜂窝夹层板在平压载荷下的变形规律及应力应变参数,跟文献中实验参。

摘 要:研究不同粒径的稻壳以及其在不同的升温速率下的热解特性。从TG和DTG图上可看出,粒径为0 88~0 38 mm的稻壳的失重率(约60%)。

主持人:我们企业是从事半导体集成电路生产的企业,在生产过程中,需要使用各种危险物品,请问:按物质的燃烧特性,危险物品分为哪几类?深圳 任济民。
