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关于购物商城论文范文写作 新加坡滨海湾金沙购物商城举办首届儿童时装秀相关论文写作资料

主题:购物商城论文写作 时间:2024-03-22



购物商城论文参考文献 时装杂志排名儿童时代杂志儿童画报杂志男士时装杂志

2016年4月,新加坡滨海湾金沙购物商城和风华杂志合作举办了首届儿童时装秀,商城的溜冰场摇身一变,成了儿童主题花园.此次儿童时装秀以“Little Luxury Stars”(奢侈品牌小明星)为名,为370多名参观贵客呈献了一系列丰富有趣的儿童时装秀活动,其中就包括由Armani Junior、Bonpoint、CH Carolina Herrera、Hackett、Kids 21、Nicholas & Bears和 PONEY enfant等童装品牌奉上的2016年春夏精品时装.

此次盛会为期一天,而到场的嘉宾也参和了一系列亲子活动.时装秀结束后,Baby Dior、Dolce&Gabbana Junior 和Fendi Kids等超过15家奢侈品牌及高档童装精品名店还举办了丰富的店内活动.同时,《马达加斯加剧场版》音乐剧角色以及DC漫画的蝙蝠侠也亮相商城周边及溜冰场,为顾客带来持续不断的欢乐.超级英雄蝙蝠侠在DC漫画超级英雄主题餐厅惊喜亮相,而伦敦Hamleys让顾客可以和《森林家族》中的角色亲密接触.

The Skating Rink at The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands was transformed into a plush floral garden on 16 April 2016, as it presented its first-ever children"s fashion show in collaboration with ICON magazine. Titled Little Luxury Stars, the event hosted more than 370 guests who were treated to a myriad of activities, including a fashion display of Spring/Summer 2016 collections presented by Armani Junior, Bonpoint, CH Carolina Herrera, Hackett, Kids 21, Nicholas & Bears, and PONEY enfant.

The one-day event kicked off with a string of activities for families on the Skating Rink. After the fashion show, guests were hosted to in-store activities at more than 15 luxury and premium children"s boutiques, including Baby Dior, Dolce&Gabbana Junior and Fendi Kids.

Meanwhile, the fanfare continued around the mall and on the Skating Rink with special mascot appearances from Madagascar Live!, and Batman from DC Comics. The super hero also made a

surprise visit to the DC Comics Super Heroes cafe to interact with diners, while shoppers at Hamleys of London came into close contact with Hamleys" iconic Sylvanian plush characters.



本刊讯 (记者 赵原)2014年6月23日上午,浙江省舟山市普陀区举行首届“安全文化论坛”,浙江省安监局副局长徐洪军、《劳动保护》杂志社社长兼主。

近日,为丰富公交企业职工业余文体生活,由青岛公交集团承办的山东省公交协会2016 年第一届 “中通杯”羽毛球比赛,在城阳文体中心羽毛球馆隆重举行。
