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关于智能家居论文范文写作 智能家居重新定义生活相关论文写作资料

主题:智能家居论文写作 时间:2024-02-13



智能家居论文参考文献 智能家居论文党的生活杂志社生活周刊杂志生活和数学论文

导 读:扫地机器人、智能音箱、安防系統等现如今,人们的家中出现了越来越多的高科技产品,而这些智能家居,也重新定义了我们的生活.

Most of us he been in this situation. You’re halfway to meet friends for dinner, then you suddenly think to yourself, “did I remember to turn the iron off?” For those with “art homes”, however, this isn’t something that would ruin their night.


Over the last few years, art home technology has become more prominent and is now more affordable than ever. Thanks to user-friendly products such as intelligent lighting, heating controllers and motion sensors, being able to control nearly every electrical item in your home from anywhere in the world is no longer confined to science fiction stories.


While art home tech isn’t new—the concept has been around for decades—companies like Philips, with its Hue lighting technology, as well as Amazon and Google, which he released speakers that control the home with the help of AI (artificial intelligence), are finally putting home automation into easier reach of everyday people.


“All of our light switches are controllable via our phones and computers. Our home security system, our TV and our heating and cooling controls are all linked together too,” says Mike Poulson, a senior program manager from Seattle, US, whose high-tech home even greets him and his family when they enter.

“我们生产的所有照明开关都能通过手机和电脑进行操控.我们的家居安防系统、电视,以及制冷制热控制系统都是关联在一起的.”高级项目经理迈克·波尔森表示. 在他位于美国西雅图的家中,高科技家居设备甚至还能在他和家人进门时欢迎他们.

“The obvious message to consumers is that you can stop wasting energy.” Tom Kerber, director of research for US-based digital analysis firm Park Associates, told The Guardian.

“智能技术传达给消费者们很直观的信息是:你能停止浪费资源.”美国数据分析公司Park Associates 的研究总监汤姆·克贝尔在接受《卫报》采访时表示.

“Automation gives you an opportunity to optimize the settings.”


And while being able to automate tasks like hing the kettle boiled and ready when you wake in the morning lees time to focus on other tasks, the technology has more meaningful uses.


In Norway, for example, one company is using art tech to make life easier for its elderly customers. The firm, Abilia, has designed a system that allows carers to check up on patients through a Skype-enabled tablet that’s mounted on a wall inside their homes.





