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关于应激论文范文写作 屠宰季节对不同品种生猪宰前应激宰后肉品质影响相关论文写作资料

主题:应激论文写作 时间:2024-01-25



应激论文参考文献 中华医学杂志影响因子期刊影响因子多少算高医学杂志影响因子排名应收账款论文开题报告

摘 要:通過分析血液应激指标、*pH值和温度、*表面损伤、预冷损耗、色泽、滴水损失、蒸煮损失、剪切力、质构特性及PSE肉(pale,soft and exudative meat)发生率等指标,探究春、夏、秋、冬4 个季节宰杀对杜长大三元杂交猪和三门峡黑猪宰前应激及宰后猪肉品质的影响.结果表明:与夏、冬2 季相比,春、秋季宰杀三门峡黑猪和杜长大三元杂交猪血液中的丙氨酸氨基转移酶(alanine aminotransferase,ALT)、肌酸激酶(creatine kinase,CK)、皮质醇(cortisol,COR)、乳酸脱氢酶(lactate dehydrogenase,LDH)、肌酐(creatinine,CRE)和促肾上腺素皮质激素(adrenocorticotropic hormone,ACTH)含量均较低;春季宰杀杜长大三元杂交猪和三门峡黑猪血液中的葡萄糖(glucose,GLU)和乳酸(lactic acid,LAC)含量显著低于其他3 个季节(P<0.05);春季生猪宰前应激效应较低,*表面损伤与预冷损耗显著降低(P<0.05);春、秋季宰杀冷却猪肉的色泽、保水性及嫩度较好.在同一季节,三门峡黑猪的抗应激能力优于杜长大三元杂交猪,且宰后猪肉的pH24 h(宰后24 h的pH值)、红度值(a*)和咀嚼性相对较高,亮度值(L*)、滴水损失、蒸煮损失及剪切力相对较低,PSE肉的发生率较低,说明黑猪肉的品质更好.


Effect of Slaughter Season on the Preslaughter Stress and Pork Quality of Different Pig Breeds

WU Xiaowei1, LI Xia1, ZHANG Chunhui1,*, WANG Hang1, JING Xiaoliang2

(1.Comprehensive Key Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Agro-Products Processing

Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100193, China;

2.Chuying Agro-Pastoral Group Co. Ltd., Xinzheng 451100, China)

Abstract: In this study, the effects of different environmental temperatures on the preslaughter stress and meat quality of different pig breeds were studied. For this purpose, Duroc × Landrace × Large Yorkshire crossbred pigs and the local breed Sanmenxia black pigs were slaughtered in the four seasons of the year and blood stress indices, carcass skin injury score, pre-cooling loss, postmortem meat quality (pH value, temperature, color, drip loss, cooking loss, shear force, and texture) and the incidence of pale, soft and exudative (PSE) meat and other indicators were determined. The results showed that for the two breeds, the serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), creatine kinase (CK), cortisol (COR), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatinine (CRE) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in pigs slaughtered in spring and autumn decreased significantly compared with those slaughtered in summer and winter (P < 0.05). A significant reduction in serum glucose (GLU) and lactic acid (LAC) levels was observed comparing pigs slaughtered in spring and the other seasons, regardless of breed (P < 0.05). Moreover, preslaughter stress level was lower in spring and carcass skin injury score and pre-cooling loss was significantly lower than in any other season (P < 0.05). The color, water holding capacity and tenderness of chilled pork from pigs slaughtered in spring and autumn were better. In the same season, the resistance of Sanmenxia black pigs to preslaughter stress was greater than that of Duroc × Landrace × Large Yorkshire crossbred pigs; Sanmenxia black pigs showed a decrease in pork pH at 24 h post-mortem (pH24 h), redness value (a*), chewiness, brightness value (L*), drip loss, cooking loss, shear force, and PSE incidence and had better meat quality.


摘 要:猪肉的质量与居民生活的质量密切相关,也关系到我国居民对肉质类食品市场的信任度。据资料统计,我国居民一年猪肉消费比重占肉类消费的一大部分。。


摘 要:生猪屠宰检疫是法定的行政管理监督手段,是一项专业性较强的技术。也是防止动物传染病中传染源、传播途径和易感动物三个环节的一项重要手段之一。。

