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关于敦煌论文范文写作 国际敦煌项目(IDP)相关论文写作资料

主题:敦煌论文写作 时间:2024-02-11



敦煌论文参考文献 国际物流论文国际会计论文国际贸易毕业论文选题国际贸易实务论文

内容摘 要:为促进散藏于世界各地的藏经洞文物的综合利用,国际敦煌项目(IDP)于1994年正式启动,其核心工作是敦煌与新疆出土古文献及文物的修复、编目与保护.随着网络技术的发展,IDP希望通过与*机构的合作,以高质量的数字图像将这些艺术品重新拼合在一起,使学者和公众可以在网上获得越来越多的相关信息.20年来,IDP的工作极大地推动了敦煌文献与文物的保护与共享,并在多国建立了IDP中心,包括中国的敦煌研究院.本文简要介绍了IDP在这20年间的工作与成就,讨论了IDP对藏经洞文物的研究所产生的巨大影响以及今后工作的主要目标.



IDP—Preservation of and Access to Manuscripts and Artefacts from Dunhuang and Chinese Central Asia


(British Library, London, Britain)

Abstract: In order to promote the comprehensive use of the Dunhuang Library Ce materials dispersed worldwide, the International Dunhuang Project (IDP) was founded in 1994 to ensure the restoration, cataloguing and conservation of Dunhuang, Turfan and other Chinese Central Asian manuscripts and artefacts. With the development of network technology, IDP hopes to create high quality images of the material and make them freely accessible to everyone online through working together internationally. Over the past decade, IDP Centres he been established in several countries. This paper gives a brief history of IDP in its first two decades and discusses its impact on scholarship of the Library Ce contents.

It is an honour to be asked to contribute to this volume celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Dunhuang Academy. I first visited Dunhuang in 1984 and this set me on a course—in developing the International Dunhuang Project(IDP)—that would take up much of my time and scholarship since. But none of us can compare to the achievements of Fan Jinshi who has devoted her life to Dunhuang. She has established it as a professional heritage institution and ensured its success for the coming generations. I would like to take this opportunity first to congratulate the Academy and Director Fan Jinshi on their outstan- ding work.

In its heyday, Dunhuang was part of a connected global world, on routes leading from China across the Tarim into West Asia and beyond, and down to Indian sea ports and thence to Persia, Arabia and Africa. Other routes led north to the steppes and thence to the shores of the Caspian, Black and Baltic seas, and south to the Tibetan plateau and through to India.These connections, as Fan Jinshi has shown in her many publications, are reflected throughout Dunhuang in its rich mural art, but also in the portable paintings and manuscripts that were stored in the Library Ce and discovered by Taoist priest Wang Yuanlu in 1900.

The story of the dispersal of the ce"s contents worldwide is well-known and resulted in an unfortunate situation for scholars who wished to study these collections. Although most ended up in public museums where they were stored in appropriate conditions and were ailable for scholars, the worldwide turmoil in the twentieth century was not conducive to their conservation, cataloguing and study, although work continued throughout. It was only in the late twentieth century, in 1993, that scholars, curators and conservators of all the major collections were able to meet together for the first time to discuss the importance of the collections, their preservation and their access.This meeting took place in the UK and was attended by delegates from China, India, Japan, Germany, France, Russia, Britain and the USA. The overwhelming desire was to work together collaboratively to ensure the best preservation of and access to the contents of the LibraryCe, andofothermanuscriptsdisco





