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关于疗养论文范文写作 医养结合新模式下疗养康复护理工作相关论文写作资料

主题:疗养论文写作 时间:2024-02-24



疗养论文参考文献 农村新技术杂志新课程导学期刊中华物理医学和康复杂志新制度经济学论文

【摘 要】 随着社会不断进步, 经济快速发展, 我国人民物质生活水平不断提高, 与此同时, 由于人类寿命延长、出生率降低, 使得我国人口老龄化趋势日益明显, 养老问题已经成为目前苛待解决的社会问题.为更好解决我国人口老龄化问题, “医养结合”作为一种创新模式, 能够很好的将现代医疗技术与养老服务结合在一起, 既满足老年人群的特殊需求, 又提高老年人生活质量, 成为目前发展中国特色养老事业的必然选择.“医养结合”新模式下疗养康复护理工作顺利开展, 需要政府加大资金投入力度, 不断建立与完善“医养结合”相关法律法规, 明确“医养结合”新模式服务内容, 加强人才队伍建设, 从而真正确保养老问题得到解决, 促进我国经济快速、可持续发展, 取得满意的社会效益.

【关键词】 医养结合;疗养康复;护理;探讨


Discussion on recuperation rehabilitation nursing work in new mode of "combination of medicine technology and aging supporting" FENG Pei-ying. Guangdong Province Guangzhou City Panyu Convalescent Hospital, Guangzhou 511490, China

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of society and the rapid economic development, the material living standard of our people has been improved continuously. At the same time, due to the prolongation of human life and the decrease of birth rate, the aging trend of our country has become more and more obvious. The pension problem has become a social problem. In order to better solve the problem of population aging in our country, "combination of medicine technology and aging supporting", as an innovative model, can combine modern medical technology with nursing service well. It can not only to meet the special needs of the elderly population, but also improve the quality of life of the elderly. Become the development of Chinese characteristics of the inevitable choice of pension. It is the inevitable choice to develop the Chinese characteristic pension. The succesul development of recuperation rehabilitation nursing work in new mode of "combination of medicine technology and aging supporting" requires increased capital investment, establishment and improvement of relevant laws and regulations of "combination of medicine technology and aging supporting", clearing service content of new mode of "combination of medicine technology and aging supporting" and strengthened construction of qualified personnel, so as to ensure that the pension problem has been solved, promote rapid and sustainable economic development of our country and achieve satiactory social benefits.

【Key words】 Combination of medicine technology and aging supporting; Recuperation rehabilitation; Nursing; Discussion

由于我國老年人口基数大, 增长快, 高龄化趋势比较明显, 对于医疗服务需求比较高, 我国养老问题面临巨大挑战, “医养结合”新模式下疗养康复护理工作能够很好的将现代化医疗护理技术与养老服务相结合, 这样既满足老年人群特殊需求, 又很好提高老年人的生活质量.但目前我国在养老方面还存在着许多问题, 如医疗机构定位比较模糊、资源得不到有效的利用、各部门之间职责相互交叉、责任不清晰、不能很好的为老年人提供服务等, 使老年人得不到满意的疗养, 为此, 应积极探索有效的疗养康复护理体系, 积极建立与健全相应的机制, 降低门槛, 政府加大资金投入力度, 各部门之间相互配合, 共同做好疗养康复护理工作, 满足老年人日常的特殊需求, 减轻子女负担, 从而取得满意的社会效益.




摘 要:随着现代老龄化程度的不断加深,老年人对医疗养老方面的需求在持续上升,而我国的医疗养老两者之间并没有很大的衔接,老年人的养老照料和医疗康复。

