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关于割灌机论文范文写作 步行割灌机行走部分结构设计和相关论文写作资料

主题:割灌机论文写作 时间:2024-01-26



割灌机论文参考文献 广告设计论文毕业设计日志毕业设计设计投稿

摘 要:为研究目前能够满足进行爬山而且能够自主作业的小型设备,提出一种步行割灌机行走部分的设计.阐述新型步行割灌机行走部分的工作原理和结构设计,以及对步行机构、行走机架和控制机构进行参数设计和计算.步行机构的行走是将动力传递到曲轴上的输入轴,由输入轴传递到凸轮,凸轮带动腿向前行走.对曲轴主轴径、长度、曲柄等参数进行设定,选用组合式曲轴,加入凸轮机构进行防震,利用两只脚通过连接板的连接,构成一组具有良好的结构稳定性、较强的机动性能和跨越能力、近似平行四边形的机构将步行机构设计出来.利用方钢管承载重力小,具有足够刚度,良好抗震性的特点将其应用于行走部分的行走机架,并与步行机构用曲轴相连接.采用牙嵌式离合器,依据离合器的接合过程对摩擦转矩进行分析,计算出控制机构主要参数.最后将该行走部分应用于步行割灌机,得到所需合理的爬山机构.结果表明:该设计可实现割灌机爬山和自主作业的功用.


中图分类号:S 776.21+1文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-005X(2016)05-0048-07

Abstract:In order to find out the all devices which can satiy climbing and do autonomous task at present,this article puts forward a kind of walking part design of the walking brush breaker.It has clarified the working principle and structural design of the new walking brush breaker,as well as design parameters of the walking structure,walking frame and control structure in details.The structure transport the power is passed on to the input shaft of crankshaft,then the power tranission also by the input shaft to the cam and the cam driven legs to walking forward.The diameter of a crankshaft principal axis,length and crank are set,it chooses the combined crankshaft and takes in the cam structure to shock absorption.It uses two feet to connect the junction plate,in order to constitute a pair of approximate parallelogram walking structure.The structure has good structure stability,strong maneuverability and spanning capacity.The square steel tube has the characteristics of bearing all grity and enough stiffness,good vibration resistance,so it is applied to walking part of the frame and uses the crankshaft to connect with the walking structure.The claw coupling is used in the control structure,based on the claw coupling engaging process,the friction torque is analyzed,and the diameter of control structure is designed.Until now,the reasonable parameters of the crankshaft and clutch control mechani he been designed and the walking part of walking brush breaker overall layout has been ascertained.Finally,make the walking part used in walking brush breaker,so the reasonable mountain climbing structure has obtained.The result shows that this design can make the brush breakers climbing and autonomous task function has achieved.

Keywords:brush breaker;climbing structure;walking structure;structure design

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割灌机在林业上用于林地清理、幼林和成林抚育、次生林抚育改造等多种作业.主要以切割直径18 cm以内的多种林木和杂草.目前割灌机在林业、园艺和农牧等多个行业都有广泛的应用[1].割灌作业是城市园林绿化必不可少的工作,园林工人在清除杂草、修剪灌木时经常使用割灌机来完成绿化作业[2].而我国灌木树种资源极为丰富,根据沙生灌木的生物学特性,每3~5 a就需进行平茬.平茬收割时若手工劳作,其劳动强度大且生产效率低,因此只有使用专业的割灌机械才能提高生产效率[3].割灌机是割除灌木、杂草的便携式机械,靠高速旋转的锋利刀片切割树木枝桠、藤蔓或半木质化草株[4].


摘 要:堆垛机是自动化立体仓库的关键组成部分,其工作性能直接影响到仓储系统的运行性能。本文在对堆垛机的各组成部分工作参数和安全可靠性进行分析的基。

摘 要:针对当前樱桃采摘机械化程度低的现状,我们设计了震荡式樱桃采摘机。本樱桃采摘机包括动力机构、传动机构、抓取机构。其中动力机构包括蓄电池、直。

摘要:450 t变起升轮轨式提梁机是高速铁路桥梁施工的重要设备之一,可适应两种不同现场施工条件,满足两种不同起升高度要求。关键词:提梁机;制梁。

