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关于光谱论文范文写作 不同施肥处理两夏玉米品种穗位叶光谱特征比较相关论文写作资料

主题:光谱论文写作 时间:2024-02-26



光谱论文参考文献 罗密欧和朱丽叶论文期刊论文的外部特征

摘 要:为了探索不同施肥处理夏玉米叶片的光谱反射率特征,利用高光谱近地遥感技术,采集五种施肥处理(CK,控释肥K40和K30,复合肥F50+N和F40+N)下不同生育期登海605(DH605)和鲁单981(LD981)的穗位叶高光谱图像,利用ENVI软件提取光谱反射率.结果表明,不同施肥处理两夏玉米品种穗位叶的反射波谱曲线趋势基本相同,均表现出在绿波段(550 nm左右)有1个反射峰,在近红外波段(760~1 050 nm)有1个较高的反射率平台.在光谱曲线表现特征上,玉米生长前期(抽穗-灌浆期),DH605和LD981均以不施肥处理的光谱反射率最高,且DH605明显高于LD981;其次分别为K30和F40+N处理.玉米生长后期(灌浆-蜡熟期),DH605和LD981分别以K30和F40+N处理的光谱反射率最高,明显高于CK和其他施肥处理.在施用复合肥的条件下,除了灌浆后期外,其他生育期LD981穗位叶的高光谱反射率值略大于DH605,但差别较小;而在施用控释肥的条件下,在蜡熟-完熟期,LD981穗位叶的高光谱反射率值明显高于其他生育期的高光谱反射率值,也明显高于DH605在该时期的高光谱反射率值,其他生育期LD981穗位叶的高光谱反射率值和DH605无明显差异.


中图分类号:S127 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2017)08-0145-05

Abstract This study is aimed to explore the spectrum reflection characteristics of summer corn leaves in different fertilization conditions. Using hyperspectral remote sensing technology, the experiments were conducted in fields to collect the hyperspectral images of Denghai 605(DH605) and Ludan 981(LD981) in different growth period under five fertilization treatments, and then the reflectance of corn ear leaves was extracted by ENVI software. The five fertilization treatments included the control (CK) with no fertilization, 40 and 30 kg of controlled-release fertilizer per 666.7m2 as base (K40 and K30), 50 and 40 kg of compound fertilizer per 666.7m2 as base with 15 kg urea as seed fertilizer (F50+N and F40+N). The reflectance spectrums of the two corn cultivars under different fertilization treatments showed the approximately same changing trend with a reflection peak at green band (550 nm) and a higher reflection platform at near infrared band (760~1050 nm). At the heading to filling stage, the reflectance of DH605 and LD981 was the highest under the CK, followed by the K30 and F40+N respectively. At the filling to dough stage, the reflectance of DH605 and LD981 was the highest under the treatment K30 and F40+N respectively, which was obviously higher than that of the other treatments. In the conditions of compound fertilizer, except the late filling stage, LD981 had little higher reflectance than DH605 at the other stages. In the conditions of controlled-release fertilizer and at dough to mature stage, LD981 had obviously higher reflectance compared to the other stages, and also higher than that of DH605; there was not obvious difference in reflectance between LD981 and DH605 at the other stages.

Keywords Fertilization; Summer corn; Ear leaf; Spectral reflectance; Spectral characteristics



摘 要:2015-2016年度,笔者在夏玉米上安排了不同氮肥品种、不同配比的对比试验,旨在探究豫西南夏玉米高产栽培轻简化施肥技术,实现省工、节肥。

摘 要:为加快我省玉米优良品种推广步伐,促进加快玉米新品种更新换代,推动我县玉米作物进一步稳产高产,为我县政府部门、种子企业、农技推广机构及广大。

摘 要:玉米是重要的田间作物之一,也是我国最重要的粮食作物。伴随我国现代农业技术的逐渐进步,人们不再仅仅局限于种植自然界中生产的作物,而是通过生。

