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关于HowtoMotivateStudentstoLearnEnglish论文范文写作 HowtoMotivateStudentstoLearnEnglish相关论文写作资料

主题:HowtoMotivateStudentstoLearnEnglish论文写作 时间:2024-04-16





Language is the means by which people communicate with each other. Nowadays English, as a language, is more popular than any other language, and more widely used by people throughout the world. We regard English as a common language in our daily life, wherever or whenever we maybe use it in order to improve friendship or get to know people and something well. It is related to various aspects in society. David Crystal said, “English is now so widely established that it can no longer thought of as “owned by any single nation.”(Crystal 1997:21). As an English teacher, I feel that it is a great responsibility to teach students English well. But it is very difficult to be good at English, English teachers must be patient to help student’s interest in English. Otherwise, it will be late when we find that students have no interest in learning English.

Einstain said, “Interest is the best teacher.” Yang Zhengning, who ever won the Noble Prize, also said, “The secret of the success is interest.”Interest is very important to study. People can do everything better if they are interested in it, and at that time, their thinking is very active, if they face various difficulties, they will do their best to try out different ways to solve the problems. They can also ask the teachers、the students or someone else for help or search the books. They must be happy when they success. During the process, a kind of good habit in studying has been formed, and it can courage them to learn further. Now we know the vital status of interest in learning English, and we also know most of time that the teachers and the students can get together is in class. So how to deal with the process of teaching to motivate students to learn English, will become the most task for English teachers.

The importance of the process of teaching

As English isn’t our native language in China. We can’t usually speak English in some conditions at all, and there is no environment to practise English. In our town, we hardly ever meet a foreigner, we have no chances to communicate with other people in English. Sometimes we also speak English, but they are only some simple greeting words like “Hello, Hi and Bye-bye”in our daily life. But English as a vital subject, and most of English knowledge that students acquired comes from the class, the class is the major teaching form in China. So the process of teaching is quite important. During the process of teaching, English teachers should supply the students a good environment, let the students listen、say、read and write more, using all kinds of teaching methods. The teacher must catch such favourable chance to motivate students to learn English, and should often indicate them, the final aim of language is to use. Then some ways will be shown here.

