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关于隐花论文范文写作 福州野生蕉隐花色素和光敏色素基因家族克隆其表达分析相关论文写作资料

主题:隐花论文写作 时间:2024-04-16



隐花论文参考文献 花火杂志免费阅读花火杂志在线阅读杂志花火花火杂志

摘 要 采用RT-PCR结合RACE法从福州野生蕉试管苗中克隆隐花色素和光敏色素基因家族成员的cDNA序列,命名为MuCry1、MuCry2a、MuCry2b、MuPhyB、MuPhyC1.MuCrys和MuPhys的cDNA序列依次為2 330、2 859、2 752、3 272、3 912 bp,编码698、666、669、1 089、1 003个氨基酸.生物信息学分析表明:MuCrys和MuPhys均属不稳定、亲水蛋白,具跨膜结构域和卷曲螺旋结构,都不具信号肽,均定位于细胞核.系统进化树分析结果表明:Cry1和Cry2聚为两大类,其中MuCry1和小果野蕉、海枣和油棕Cry1的亲缘关系最近,和双子叶植物大豆Cry1的亲缘关系最远;MuCry2a和MuCry2b和小果野蕉、水稻和小麦Cry2的亲缘关系最近,和双子叶植物碧桃Cry2的亲缘关系最远;MuPhyB和小果野蕉PhyB的亲缘关系最近,和双子叶植物毛果杨PhyB的亲缘关系最远;MuPhyC1和小果野蕉和马来兰花蕉PhyC的亲缘关系最近,和双子叶甜橙PhyC亲缘关系最远.qRT-PCR结果表明:MuCry的3个成员和MuPhyC1对不同光质响应存在差异,蓝光都可促进MuCry 3个成员 mRNA的转录,红光促进MuPhyC1 mRNA的转录,在黑暗、红光、绿光和黄光下MuCry1的表达受到抑制;黄光和红光对MuCry2a的转录水平影响不明显,而黑暗、暖白光和绿光可抑制MuCry2a的表达水平;MuCry2b的转录水平受蓝光和红光的正调控,而受绿光的负调控;MuPhyC1在红光处理下的表达量最高,蓝光和暖白光下的表达量相近,白光、绿光、黄光和黑暗处理下的表达量差异不大,表明MuPhyC1积极响应红光刺激.

关键词 野生蕉;隐花色素;光敏色素;光质处理;表达分析

中图分类号 S668.1 文献标识码 A

Abstract The RT-PCR combined with RACE method was used to obtain Cryptochrome and Phytochrome gene family in the wild banana of Fuzhou, named MuCry1, MuCry2a, MuCry2b, MuPhyB and MuPhyC1. respectively. The cDNA sequences of MuCrys and MuPhys were 2 330, 2 859, 2 725, 3 272, 3 912 bp, encoding 698, 666, 669, 1 089 and 1 003 amino acids. Bioinformatics analysis showed that All MuCrys and MuPhys belong to the instability and hydrophilous proteins, and had transmembrane structures, and had no signal peptide, subcellularlocation predictions of them locating were in the nucleus. Phylogenetic anglicizing of Cry and Phy in plants indicated that not only Cry1 and Cry2, but also PhyB and PhyC belonged to the different branches, but they all had farthest genetic relationship with dicotyledons; MuCry1 have a close genetic relationship with MaCry1(Musa acuminata), EgCry1(Elaeis guineensis), and PdCry1(Phoenix dactylifera), MuCry2a and MuCry2b belongs to the same branch with a close genetic relationship with MuCry2, and TaCry2(Triticum aestivum), and OsCry2(Oryza sativaJaponica), MuPhyB have a close genetic relationship with MuPhyB(Musa acuminata), MuPhyC1 have a close genetic relationship with MuPhyC(Musa acuminata)and OmPhyC(Orchidantha maxillarioides). qRT-PCR results revealed that three members of Cryptochrome gene family and MuPhyC1 had different responses to different light quality, and blue light could promote the transcription of MuCrys mRNA, and red light could promote the transcription of MuPhyC1. The expression of MuCry1 was inhibited in dark, red, green and yellow light; The effect of light on the transcription level of MuCry2a was not obvious, while dark, warm white and green light could suppress the expression level of MuCry2a. The transcriptional level of MuCry2b was positively regulated by blue and red light, and was negatively controled by green light; MuPhyC1 had the highest expression in red light, The expression level of white red, green, yellow and dark light treatment was not significant, indicating that MuPhyC1 positively responded to red light stimulation.




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