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关于糖尿病患者论文范文写作 糖尿病患者健康护理网络干预效果评价相关论文写作资料

主题:糖尿病患者论文写作 时间:2024-04-12



糖尿病患者论文参考文献 食品和健康论文护理论文期刊大学生心理健康论文1500字护理论文范文大全

[摘 要] 目的 研究评价应用网络护理干预对糖尿病患者的效果.方法 沟通选取2015年11月—2016年11月150例糖尿病患者,要求患者年龄在35~60岁之间,有一定的学习能力且会使用电脑、智能手机等网络设备并愿意配合,并将其按统计学方法分成常规护理干预组和网络护理干预组.两组中,常规干预组主要对患者进行常规的健康教育干预,而网络护理干预组是在常规护理干预基础上,应用网络对患者进行护理干预.评价标准为:在干预前、干预后半年测定患者的血糖值、血脂指标等.结果 常规护理干预组和网络护理干预组中的糖尿病患者的空腹血糖值、血脂、糖化血红蛋白值与干预前相比均有着明顯的变化与差异,其中以网络干预组的变化更为显著.结论 应用网络护理干预能够有效的、便捷的对于糖尿病患者的糖、脂等代谢紊乱进行有效干预,延缓病情的进展,降低并发症的发病率.

[关键词] 糖尿病;网络护理干预;常规护理干预

[中图分类号] R473.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2017)02(a)-0138-02

[Abstract] Objective To evaluate the effect of network nursing intervention on diabetic patients. Methods 150 patients with diabetes were selected for communication. The patients from November 2015 to November 2016 were asked to use the computer equipment, such as computers and artphones, and were willing to cooperate with each other. They were divided into routine nursing by statistical method. Intervention group and network nursing intervention group. In the two groups, the conventional intervention group mainly carried out routine health education intervention, and the network nursing intervention group was based on the conventional nursing intervention, the application of the network of patients with nursing intervention. Evaluation criteria: in the intervention before the intervention half a year to determine the patient"s blood glucose, blood lipid indicators. Results The fasting blood glucose, blood lipid and glycosylated hemoglobin values of diabetic patients in routine nursing intervention group and network nursing intervention group had obvious changes and differences compared with those before intervention, among which the change of network intervention group was more significant. Conclusion The application of network nursing intervention can effectively and easily interfere with the metabolic disorders such as sugar and lipid in diabetic patients, delay the progress of the disease and reduce the incidence of complications.

[Key words] Diabetes mellitus; Network nursing intervention; Routine nursing intervention


1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料



[摘要] 目的 探讨运用整体医学六维健康指导对动脉硬化体检者干预的效果。方法 对2015年某单位健康体检者共257名采用欧姆龙动脉硬化检测装置,。

[摘要] 目的 对骨科患者健康教育中互动护理模式的应用效果进行分析。方法 选取医院2015年4月—2016年4月收治的骨科患者106例,按照健康。

DOI:10 16659 j cnki 1672-5654 2017 29 030[摘要] 目的 探讨评价健康教育在消化内科护理中应用的效果。。

[摘要] 目的 为了提高内科肿瘤患者PICC护理质量,分析护理期间实施品管圈的价值和意义。方法 根据患者就诊先后顺序,从2016年1月—2017。
