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关于跟踪论文范文写作 跟踪导练(三)5相关论文写作资料

主题:跟踪论文写作 时间:2024-01-15



跟踪论文参考文献 新闻导刊软件导刊经济导刊杂志社新课程导学期刊





1. It was difficult to see ships in the ____ because of the fog.

2. Their father ____ them to swim in the river at that time.

3. He is the hero of an old ____ .

4. The mountain is ____ , so the climb is dangerous.

5. The road ____ as you go further to the top of the mountain.

6. He threw on his clothes and ____ out when the bell rang.

7. Thay he chosen to work in that ____ area after graduation.

8. Just for this reason, it has caused a(n) ____ amount of trouble.


1. 你应该让这个男孩知道吸烟是个坏习惯.

2. 水池边严禁摄影.

3. 虽然我们不富裕,但我们现在至少不必再为食物担心了.

4. 我哥哥告诉我飞机上不允许使用手机.



Learning During the Summer

Summer time does not need to be a time for dull boring things, but can be a time for learning and for hing fun.

Encourage your child to help you prepare meals for the family. 1 Your child will learn to read and follow directions. In addition, they will learn to measure ingredients for the recipe (菜谱). By talking with your child you can talk about the ingredients and their role in the food that is being prepared. Through cooking, a child can see changes in the foods they are preparing.

2 In the summer time encourage your child to look at the area around them. Let them plant some seeds and watch them grow into a plant. 3 . Help your child develop a curiosity about the things that one takes for granted.

A Chinese saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time.” 4 Only in this way, can we prepare them to learn for life.

Be an example for our children. Let them see you doing things that they can model throughout life. 5 Take time to answer their questions. If you don’t know the answer, tell them and look for the answer together.

A. Science is all around us.

B. Go for a walk after dinner.

C. Use a recipe to prepare foods.

D. Provide them with opportunities to learn.

E. Give our children the tools that they need for learning.

F. Watch an insect as it flies from one flower to another.

G. Summer is time for children to practice what they’ve learned in school.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.





ARiding SchoolYou can start horse-riding at any age Choose private or。

AWhen humans and nature go head to head, nature often ends up losing R。

ADuring my high school years, the most important thing was what I was w。
