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关于Android论文范文写作 基于Android的宠物商城互动平台Pap的设计和应用相关论文写作资料

主题:Android论文写作 时间:2024-01-23



Android论文参考文献 约稿平台宠物世界杂志毕业论文平台论文投稿平台

摘 要:现如今,随着人们生活水平提高,宠物在人们心中的地位也越来越高.伴随着Android和iOS移动平台的普及,人们对服务于他们的爱宠的APP的需求也越来越大.伴随线下实体店的宠物美容和用品店之间竞争的增加,实体店老板们对于打通线上销售的渠道的需求也越来越大.综合以上原因,团队设计开发这么一款将宠物,宠物主人和宠物美容店三者紧紧联系在一起的APP.根据软件工程的相关知识,在需求分析的基础上,设计了系统总体架构及功能.使用Ja语言和Android Studio开发工具开发App,运用Service和Intent实现页面的跳转,Share Preference和SQLite实现商品的数据中心,最后将产品UI、界面控制和数据库整合,通过运行和测试.这款APP不但可以解决宠物主人不知去哪为爱宠美容的问题,而且提供给了宠物优质生活用品和提高了宠物美容店和用品店的营收.而且通过测试表明,该APP为用户解决了相应的难处,并给用户的日常生活带来了更多的便利和更好的体验.


中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章編号:1009-3044(2018)13-0100-04

The Design and Application of Pap, an Interactive Platform Based on Android

YE Jian-lin, CHEN Rui-zhi, WU Qiu-kun, FANG Chan-kun, LIN Jun-tao

(Xinhua College of Sun yat-sen University, Dongguan 512133, China)

Abstract: Nowadays, with the improvement of people"s living standards, pets he a higher and higher status in people"s hearts. With the popularity of Android and iOS mobile platforms, there is a growing demand for apps that serve their loved ones. With the increase in competition between the pet grooming and supply stores in offline stores, physical store owners are increasingly demanding access to online sales. For the above reasons, the team designed and developed an APP that connects pets, pet owners and pet beauty stores. Based on the knowledge of software engineering, the overall architecture and function of the system are designed on the basis of demand analysis. Using the Ja language and Android Studio development tool App, use the Service and the Intent to realize the jump of the page, Share Preference and SQLite data center for their goods, finally the product UI, interface control and database integration, by running and testing. The APP will not only solve the problem of pet owners not knowing where to go for beauty, but also provide the pet with quality living products and increase the revenue of pet beauty shop and store. Moreover, the test shows that the APP solves the corresponding difficulties for users and brings more convenience and better experience to users" daily life.

Key words: Android; Servlet; Pet service; Online mall; Mobile APP

1 背景

根据中国产业信息网资料显示,2015年中国宠物行业市场规模约为978亿元,到2020年有望突破2000亿元,2010-2020这十年增长期的年均复合增长率预计可达32.8%.而根据中国产业信息网资料显示,2016年全球手机量为14.7 亿部,预计2017年和2018年全球手机量分别为15.2亿和15.8亿部,未来几年复合增速在3.5%左右.在宠物行业市场和手机行业市场良性发展的大背景下,现实生活当中,有着许多的因主人临时外出而宠物无人看管的场景.比如,某白领王某因公出差而家里的爱宠无人抚养,所以急迫寻找可以代劳的人.其次,爱宠人士一定会为其爱宠的食物质量是否安全健康有保障而担忧.另外,爱宠们的主人们还会为寻找到可以给自己的爱宠修剪指甲、整理毛发、清洁全身、购买漂亮的小衣物的地方而发愁.


摘 要:易加互动平台融合了传统教学和当前的信息技术,为课堂教学的创新开辟了新的平台。笔者从平板抢答、及时反馈、自主学习三个方面,结合牛津英语教材。



摘 要:Android平台是当下主流的平台之一,基于安卓平台的应用开发正在以飞快的速度向前发展。在全球信息化的大环境下,基于Android平台的。
