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关于黑人英语翻译论文范文写作 十九世纪美国南部黑人英语翻译相关论文写作资料

主题:黑人英语翻译论文写作 时间:2024-01-31



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摘 要:本文基于翻译目的论,以凯特·肖邦的作品为例,提出十九世纪美国南部黑人英语的翻译策略.文章提出,黑人英语有其独特的洋泾浜特征,需要译者揣摩其含义译出基本意思,然后通过方言化和飞白化的风格处理,重塑其地域性和非官方、非主流的特质,再现其原文的美学功能.

关键词:黑人英语; 翻译; 方言; 飞白

中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-6822(2015)02-0060-06

1. 前言

关于黑人英语,既有研究中谈语言的多,论翻译的少.笔者翻译凯特·肖邦(Kate Chopin)的作品,遭遇了相当数量的黑人英语表述.我们先看看相关背景.

1851年2月8日凯特·肖邦出生于圣路易斯.她的母亲是法国早期拓荒者的后裔,她的父亲是爱尔兰本地人.(Chopin, 1969:21)作家凯特·肖邦有多重概念,比如妇女解放、性解放;一代才女因思想过于前卫而不能为其时代及环境所接受,抑郁而死,英年早逝;但这些不是本文的重点,故不做赘述.值得我们注意的是圣路易安娜是凯特·肖邦笔下的故事的发生地,在美国的南部.这里的地方经济特色是种植园,奴隶制存在相当了一段时间.


2. 个案分析


La Chatte, a broad black woman with ends of white wool sticking out from under her tignon, stood with arms akimbo watching them as they disappeared one day. Then she turned and said to a young woman who sat in the cabin door:

“Dat young man, ef he want to listen to me, he gwine quit dat ar caperin" roun" Miss "Phrasie.”

The young woman in the doorway laughed, and showed her white teeth, and tossed her head, and fingered the blue beads at her throat, in a way to indicate that she was in hearty sympathy with any question that touched upon gallantry.

“Law! La Chatte, you ain" gwine hinder a gemman f"om payin" intentions to a young lady w"en he a mine to.”

“Dat all I got to say,” returned La Chatte, seating herself lazily and heavily on the doorstep. “Nobody don" know dem Sanchun boys bettah "an I does. Did n" I done part raise "em? W"at you reckon my ha"r all tu"n plumb w"ite dat-a-way ef it warn"t dat Placide w"at done it?”

“How come he make yo" ha"r tu"n w"ite, La Chatte?”

“Dev"ment, pu" dev"ment, Rose. Did n" he come in dat same cabin one day, w"en he warn"t no bigga "an dat Pres"dent Hayes w"at you sees gwine "long de road wid dat cotton sack "crost "im? He come an" sets down by de do", on dat same t"ree-laigged stool w"at you "s a-settin" on now, wid his gun in his han", an" he say: "La Chatte, I wants some croquignoles, an" I wants "em quick, too." I "low: "G" "way f"om dah, boy. Don" you see I "s flutin" yo" ma"s petticoat?" He say: "La Chatte, put "side dat ar flutin"-i"on an" dat ar petticoat;" an" he cock dat gun an" p"int it to my head. "Dar de ba"el," he say:"git out dat flour, git out dat butta an" dat aigs; step roun" dah, ole "oman. Dis heah gun don" quit yo" head tell dem croquignoles is on de table, wid a w"ite tableclof an" a cup o" coffee." Ef I goes to de ba"el, de gun "s a-p"intin". Ef I goes to de fiah, de gun "s a-p"intin". W"en I rolls out de dough, de gun "s a-p"intin"; an" him neva say nuttin", an" me a-trim"lin" like ole Uncle Noah w"en de mistry strike "im.”





摘 要:旅游是一种跨文化交流活动。文章旨在从跨文化交际的视角来研究旅游英语翻译。旅游英语地道的翻译不仅有助于游客了解旅游景区相关信息,传播中国文。
