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关于公猪论文范文写作 中国女性消费者公猪肉感官接受度调查相关论文写作资料

主题:公猪论文写作 时间:2024-03-03



公猪论文参考文献 中国女性杂志中国现代医学杂志中国畜牧杂志中国和世界的关系论文

摘 要:在测定120 位中国女性消费者对雄烯酮和粪臭素的嗅觉敏感性基础上,评定其对公猪肉的接受程度.公猪肉根据雄烯酮和粪臭素水平分为两组,即高膻味肉(LH)和低膻味肉(LL).嗅觉敏感性测试结果表明:与雄烯酮相比,女性消费者对粪臭素更敏感;随着对雄烯酮敏感性的增加,其对雄烯酮纯品气味的接受程度显著降低(χ2等于22.41,P<0.001);对粪臭素气味的接受度高于雄烯酮.公猪肉品尝测试结果显示:对雄烯酮高敏感且喜欢雄烯酮气味的消费者更喜欢LH组公猪肉的气味(χ2=3.75,P<0.05)和口感,对LL组和LH组公猪肉的整体感官评分高于对去势公猪肉的感官评分.


Investigation of Female Consumers’ Acceptability of Entire Male Pork in China

ZHOU Zhenjin1,2, ZHANG Feng1, YAO Wen1,3,*

(1.College of Animal Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;

2.Shandong Baolai-Leelai Bioengineering Co. Ltd., Tai’an 271000, China; 3.Key Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Biochemistry, Ministry of Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China)

Abstract: Acceptance of boar meat by 120 Chinese females depending on their age, education level, and sensitivity to androstenone and skatole was evaluated by smelling the pure compound and testing cooked pork samples. Pork samples were classified as ‘barrow meat’, ‘LL boar meat’ (boar meat with low levels of androstenone and skatole) and ‘LH boar meat’ (boar meat with high levels of androstenone and skatole). Results showed that 60.9% of the consumers were highly sensitive to skatole and 18.2% were highly sensitive to androstenone. As sensitivity to androstenone increased, consumer acceptability of pure androstenone odor significantly reduced (χ2 等于 22.41, P < 0.001). In addition, 47.8% of the consumers were fond/neutral of pure skatole odor, and 15.0% disliked pure androstenone odor. Consumers’ acceptability of the odor (χ2 = 3.75, P < 0.05) and taste of LH meat was higher than that of LL meat. Consumers who are highly sensitive to androstenone and like its odor gave higher score to boar meat than barrow meat. Chinese women can accept entire male pork, and this is the first survey on consumer acceptability of entire male pork in China, which is of great significance to evaluate the possibility of using entire male pig for pork production.

Key words: consumer acceptability; sensitivity; boar taint; androstenone; skatole


中图分类号:S815.4 文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-8123(2016)03-0010-05


周振金, 张峰, 姚文. 中国女性消费者公猪肉感官接受度调查[J]. 肉类研究, 2016, 30(3): 10-14. DOI:10.15922/j.cnki.rlyj.2016.03.003. http://rlyj.cbpt.cnki.net

ZHOU Zhenjin, ZHANG Feng, YAO Wen. Investigation of female consumers’ acceptability of entire male pork in China[J]. Meat Research, 2016, 30(3): 10-14. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.15922/j.cnki.rlyj.2016.03.003. http://rlyj.cbpt.cnki.net



摘 要:本文主要探究关系强弱的对消费者对微商的接受意愿的影响。在阅读相关文献之后,我们的研究提出假设,关系越强,那么接受意愿就会越高。我们通过问。


摘 要:女性心理的独特性决定了其消费态度和消费行为,各个消费产品和品牌都在力争女性消费群体。女性消费者对不同消费产品和品牌的态度决定了其品牌对女。
