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关于一维量子Euler论文范文写作 一维量子Euler—Poisson方程解渐近性相关论文写作资料

主题:一维量子Euler论文写作 时间:2024-01-28



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Abstract: We study the onedimensional quantum hydrodynamic system for semiconductors.It takes the isentropic EulerPoisson equations with the quantum potential and momentum relaxation term in the momentum equations.We show the asymptotic behavior of the solutions for the initial value problem to onedimensional quantum EulerPoisson equations,when the far field states of the current density are inconsistent and the far field of the electric field is not zero.Choosing proper corrections and using the energy methods,we prove that the solutions of onedimensional isentropic quantum EulerPoisson equations decay exponentially fast to the stationary solutions.This result improves previous results in which the current density′s far fields are equal and the far field of the electric field is zero.

Key words: asymptotic behavior; quantum EulerPoisson equation; energy estimate; stationary solutions

CLC number: O 175.2Document code: AArticle ID: 10005137(2013)06055114

Received date: 20130926

Foundation item: Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (11171223) and the Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (13ZZ109).

Biography: Li Yeping(1972-),male,professor,College of Mathematics and Sciences,Shanghai Normal University;Pu Fenfang(1987-),female,graduate student,College of Mathematics and Sciences,Shanghai Normal University.

*Corresponding author1Introduction

We study the following isentropic quantum EulerPoisson equations in spatial one

and t>0.Here n,j, and E represent the density,the momentum and the electric field,respectively.The function b(x) stands for the density of fixed,positively charged background ions,the socalled doping profile.The positive constant ε is called the scaled Planck constant.The coefficient τ denotes the relaxation time.The function p(n) is the pressure.For more details of model,refer to[1-4].

Due to their physical importance,mathematical complexity and wide range of applications,there are many studies on the wellposedness and largetime behavior of the solutions of the quantum EulerPoisson equations,such as[5-14]and the references therein.In this paper,we will study the largetime behavior of the solutions for the initial value problem to onedimensional quantum EulerPoisson equations when the far field states of the current density are inconsistent and the far field of the electric field is not zero.Since our interest here is the long behavior of the solutions,without loss of generality,we assume that


[摘 要] 本文通过一节实际问题与一元一次方程的起始课,分析了起始课的特点,提出了四个策略:一是要对比方法,感知体现方程优越;二是规范步骤,明晰。

[摘 要] 《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》正式将方程列入小学数学课程内容,列方程解应用题又是方程内容中的重点及难点内容。列方程的方式与。


